Thursday, December 16, 2010

Abbreviated Messages depicted in Different Contexts!

Personal Context

This can be based on memories, the concern of my grammar and other aspect can be my curiosity why this is so common to today's youths. The endless encounter of misspellings during writing and this is a concern more so that I need to be a professional. It is quick way of communicating and the knowledge about is fascinating.

Social Context

It can apply to communication in general as we know that the society is based on communication for them to develop. The grammar and lingo usage and the society e.g online chats or hang out places like facebook, Myspace and so on.

Political Context

This can be a provocative topic being elders against youths or informal way of communications vs formal way. The is can be termed as diversity and labeled class, upper vs lower class of the society .

Historical Context

This is a concern to literature and language structure of the society.It can be a direction to what the future is to become. The transition of usage of typography since the ancient age.

Cultural Context

It is a new sign of a new culture approaching, just like pop culture did in the olden daisy. A new way of communication setting new norms, language and class.

Institutional Context

This can be an alteration of education; informal vs formal writing. Classified as breaking of rules of ways of writings.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Text/Abbreviated Messages!!

Communication is the most important aspect of life in the society, nationally and globally. Many ways of communications are precedent, we used to use smoke to call meetings, drums, or verbatim( word to word) before technology came in.

Due to the advancement of technology, wireless ways of communicating is evident, the use of Bluetooth, wirefii, 3G,4G, internet even GPS came in handy . Mobile phones also included, we now began a way of writing that is shorthand. The point is, it communication.

Abbreviated Messages (The Future Language).

This topic to come about, I had challenges with my way of writing formal reports or documents. I realized that I had problems with spellings and grammar but as for online chats, I discovered that as I was writing in short hands, It was little bit fast.

Abbreviated messages are the latest way of COMMUNICATION mostly done by young adults, this is evident through online portals like facebook, yahoo, hotmail,skype messengers and so on. I researched that in schools,teens included sort of inherited this.

By the look of things, shorthand writing has to been there, in the fields of programming, the main reason is that it is speedy. Though back in the days, during the times of Guru literature like William Shakespeare, the present way of communicating that is English evolved from their English Literature. Formal writing and poetry goes together though in poems there is involvement of metaphors it evident that grammar is the main base to communication. If we understand each others grammar no matter what language one speaks.

Nowadays these are phrases used when we communicate; OMG (oh my god), l8 for late, the millenia speak as some experts call it. The netSpeak is now spreading at a rapid rate not only chat messages with smileys are involved, online dictionaries for this new language "The Future language" are now present. Shops, Banks and many corporate businesses have inherited the trend. e.g maybank2u.


1. It is fast
2. Stimulates creativity.
3.Popular, the new trend
4.Future language


1.Spelling errors
2.Alteration of grammar
3.Distortion of language literature
4.multiple interpretation

I will keep on updating the cons and pros of the use of short handwriting. Now with the information I collected my main focus is not take sides on either the cons or pros but to make the society the young adults in particular, to be aware of the involvement in this new form of communication.

Research and Idea Development.

One of the reasons i had to choose the second proposal, are that it is challenging and in sync with reality now. My previous title was Text abbreviation the future language. Now I had to change it to Abbreviated messages the future language because I noticed that smiley's or "emoticons " are still part of abbreviates messages. So in the scope of text, specifying text as only as abbreviated language depicted limitation of scope of the topic.

1.what is typography?

On the web typography is define as the craft of type either for printing or for web. In my opinion I think typography or texts gives the backbone to information or to communications. Type is a big topic that has many subtopics and those topics really show how type gives weight to information. Examples of where type can be found. On the web, Magazines, newspapers softwares, graphics such as posters, illustrations, business cards and so on. I also discovered that typo comes in different forms or fonts.

examples of type:

Type used as portrait.

Vomit Type!!

Gun Type!!

All in all, we can see how type is powerful. The vast creativity and all shows really how when we break away from the tradition use of type like book publication or on newspapers.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Research 2

In my previous gamma 3 project, Our group did a spray illusion that uses Bluetooth and infrared to manipulate the graphics. I came across a project that uses candles as infrared emitters. The most current trend of input in computers nowadays is touch -screen, as I am doing my research I'm looking for some sort of alien way of inputting data in the computer or rather a way to manipulate and interact with the graphics not the usual traditional way of mouse and key board.


When I was doing my research, I found a couple of books to be useful, Action script 3.0 bible and Learning Processing. For actionscript 3.0 I see a lot of control in terms of programming, actionscript 3.0 looks structured and a lot can be done in it as long as practice is adhered to.


This can be good for manipulating text and graphics through the use of arduino. It's a challenge when now arTists incorporate graphics with graphics.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Research and Trial 1

In my project, what I want to be the pillars are dynamic interactivity, rich graphics, A robust application. I want it to run smoothly. Though I am little bit blurry with the final execution, I'm pretty sure that it will include type( typography) and Symbols (smiley's). Motion graphics can be considered.

Glenn Marshall is one my favorite inspiration
with his slick smooth motion graphic designers using programming art tools(Processing).

Computer-generated Visualisation

The idea is this, if i could incorporate a 5% of typography(layouts and styling). 5% of motion graphics, 80% of interactivity and 50% of information my goals would be reached. Type animation with interactivity and m below is my daily inspirations;

Daily Inspirations:

Almost everyday i make sure I watch talks from different sectors be it engineering, Information Technology, Design and so on to grasp and understand other people's philosophy. Ideas that are worth spreading, like their slogan. I learnt what really is design and creativity and how we can improve the society with design. Speakers like J.J Abrams, Dan Phillips and so on are a few that inspires me.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Second Proposal!

It looks like this interested my lecturers. So I have to stick with this and see where it goes, I'm optimistic that all will go well as I do more research.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Proposal 3


Illu-Tele(The Illusion of telekinesis)


Body, Identity and sensors


The illusion of making things possible either by thought, mentality or making things happen without contact just like the idea behind cell phones (wireless). The fascination of how magnets control each other. Now picture having an installation were one can move say graphics with sight or may using voice to trigger action.

Problem Identification

Lack of actions triggered without contact.

Lack of trials.

Phobia of new experience.


I like challenges and I understand that for man to reach his dreams he first needs to let his imagination to taken him in to the future. With the rapid advancement of technology I believe that the so called illusion of things will come to reality. The clapping of hands to trigger an action is already there.

Ideation and Concept

To create an application that makes a telekinesis illusion seems realistic. The use of sensors, to detect motion. To create mood.

Target Audience

Teens and Youths

Review, Analysis and precedence Studies

Design Approach

Audiovisual, fantasy, Visuals, Abstract, Conceptual.

Proposal 2


Text Abbreviation the future language


Body, Identity and Sensors/Social and innovation media


I spend most of the time reading and chatting or watching soccer online while there are chat box. Most of the times when chatting whether in facebook, YM or any chatting tool, find it inevitable to abbreviated messages. The use of OMG; Oh My God to BRB; Be Right Back. The age group between teens and youths are immensely involved in this lingo, the future language.

Problem Identification

There is delay in time, between the age groups example maybe when an elder communicates with a teen. Likeliness of becoming victims of spelling errors.

Aim and Objectives

-To make the society aware especially elders and both teens.

-Appreciation of the new language.

-To alarm youths and teens of the use of formal and informal (encrypted writing).

_ To make the public aware of the inevitability of the use of abbreviated text messages.


Curiosity of how to have health electronics that are home used. I like to be hands on. I like to do things for myself so as not waste somebody’s time. We have vender machines selling soft drinks! Then the question arises, why we can’t have health machines at a cheaper price distributed in the society to help especially in the rural areas.

Ideation and Concept:

To create an interactive application showing the possible common abbreviated words and phrases through; Rain-text, Motion Graphics, Animated Typography.

Target Audience

Teens and Youths

Review, Analysis and precedence Studies:

Design Approach:

Audiovisual, infographics, fantasy, Vibrant, Content-driven , Contemporary

Proposal 1




Body, Identity and Sensors/Social and innovation media


I watched many TV series showing the lives of doctors handling patients. They take their temperatures, checking their weights and heartbeat rate. I’m sort of fascinated by the thought of having an electronic-doctor. Here human doctors are not but rather a digitally interactive installation is made. There will be steps taken to accomplish a similar human-doctor check-up.

Problem Identification

There is delay in time, checking up the patients. Electronics to get tired or sloppy as long as programmed well and designed well.

Aim and Objectives

To improve, educate and deliver an experience to the society on Health and media. To precedent how the bridging of the medicine and design can improve our health. To improve the mobility of patients to doctors in Urban and Rural areas


Curiosity of how to have health electronics that are home used. I like to be hands on. I like to do things for myself so as not waste somebody’s time. We have vender machines selling soft drinks! Then the question arises, why we can’t have health machines at a cheaper price distributed in the society to help especially in the rural areas.

Ideation and Concept:

To create a step by step procedure of how doctors handle patients but here It will be through an application. Sound, graphics are incorporated to guide the user in taking their own temperature, Heart beat rate and weight and so on.

Target Audience

Preferably all age groups

Review, Analysis and precedence Studies:

Design Approach

Audiovisual, infographics, fantasy, Vibrant, Content-driven


It is the beginning of what it is to be my final year project journal.