Thursday, December 2, 2010

Research and Idea Development.

One of the reasons i had to choose the second proposal, are that it is challenging and in sync with reality now. My previous title was Text abbreviation the future language. Now I had to change it to Abbreviated messages the future language because I noticed that smiley's or "emoticons " are still part of abbreviates messages. So in the scope of text, specifying text as only as abbreviated language depicted limitation of scope of the topic.

1.what is typography?

On the web typography is define as the craft of type either for printing or for web. In my opinion I think typography or texts gives the backbone to information or to communications. Type is a big topic that has many subtopics and those topics really show how type gives weight to information. Examples of where type can be found. On the web, Magazines, newspapers softwares, graphics such as posters, illustrations, business cards and so on. I also discovered that typo comes in different forms or fonts.

examples of type:

Type used as portrait.

Vomit Type!!

Gun Type!!

All in all, we can see how type is powerful. The vast creativity and all shows really how when we break away from the tradition use of type like book publication or on newspapers.

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